IS THE GUY FROM MODEST MOUSE HOT? i like his voice. he sounds attractive. Same w tih the guy from Violent Femmes. OR stephen malkmus. Idk they all have this tone. Can a dialect belong to a decade

Talking Shit About a Pretty Sunset
Song by Modest Mouse ‧ 1996

Oh noose tied myself in, tied myself too tight
Looking kind of anxious in your cross armed stance
Like a bad tempered prom queen at a homecoming dance
And I claim I'm not excited with my life any more
So I blame this town, this job, these friends
The truth is it's myself
And I'm trying to understand myself
And pinpoint where I am
By the time I get things figured out
I've change the whole damn plan
Oh noose tied myself in, tied myself too tight
Talking shit about a pretty sunset
Blanketing opinions that I'll probably regret soon
I've changed my mind so much I can't even trust it
My mind changed me so much I can't even trust myself

Danced to Tigermilk around my apartment in undies and a bra. My curtains were slightly open. Not intentional, I am definitely not a vouyer, or dont want to be a vouyers subject I guess. I just moved quickly, and couldnt be bothered to close them. I’ve always loved dancing and always hated people who made me feel weird about it. It is the best feeling when you get a little bit dizzy and you feel like you’ve done nitrous. Even writing this, The Beat Comes by Snowden just came up on shuffle and I am finding it hard to sit still. I like this song, it is maybe my favorite right now. I feel good but find it hard to trust myself or to think of myself right now. I think Im completely capricious as a person; I dont trust myself not to find new creative ways to betray myself. I’ve always found a way to do that, at the risk of sounding too auspicious, I feel it in my limbs that things are different this time. Maybe because Im doing things that actually feel great, when no one is around to see it, and no one's ear is a friend. I do things because they wont make me feel better, but because they won't make me feel worse I guess. It is slightly depressing that my only claim to buoyancy is a thinly veiled extremely cynical mantra. I don't know. I just feel good. And I don't feel an internal polemic battle rattling between my wrist and radiating between my ribs. I just feel excited maybe.

walked to zo’s and we opened up her new painting. I wish I had paintings aside from my own. They’re old and dont make me feel good. Man at erewhon kept calling me pet names which took me aback and I think he liked that. Food is just sso expensive. No appetite. Will run. Will try to read but quite sedated and nothing interests me a ton. Despondent to my own name.

Song by Belle and Sebastian ‧ TigerMilk- 1996

Monday morning wake up knowing that you've got to go to school
Tell your mum what to expect, she says it's right out of the blue
Do you went to work in Debenham's, because that's what they expect
Start in Lingerie, and Doris is your supervisor
And the head said that you always were a queer one from the start
For careers you say you went to be remembered for your art
Your obsessions get you known throughout the school for being strange
Making life-size models of the Velvet Underground in clay
In the queue for lunch they take the piss, you've got no appetite
And the rumour is you never go with boys and you are tight
So they jab you with a fork, you drop the tray and go berserk
While your cleaning up the mess the teacher's looking up your skirt
You've been used, you're confused
Write a song, I'll sing along
Are you calm? Settle down
Soon you will know that you are sane
You're on top of the world again

Monday morning wake up knowing that you've got to go to school
Mum said she had little choice when she was young, so why should you?
Do you went to work in C&A, 'cause that's what they expect
Move to Ladieswear and take a feel off Joe the Storeman
Tell Veronica the secrets of the boy you never kissed
She's got everything to gain 'cause she's a fat girl with a lisp
She sticks up for you when you get aggravation from the snobs
'Cause you can't afford a blazer and you're always wearing clogs
At the interval you lock yourself away inside a room
Heed of English gets you, asks you, "What the Hell do you think you're doing?"
"Do you think you're better then the other kids? Well get outside."
You've got permission, but you've got to make the bastard think he's right

I walked, ate toast, and took a hydroxzine for precautionary measures.

What do I think of that?

I don't necessarily feel tied to stanza four of that one Frank O Hara poem right now. It by all accounts,in my adult life, had provoked temperamental awe until now. Even the mention of Frank O Hara, I would gush, I would recite the last stanza because i felt the theme of the poem was so perennial to the human existence that it’d be a crime to keep it to myself solely. I don’t feel that way anymore. I want to, but I don’t. I can't navigate whether this is depressing to me or not. It almost makes me hopeful, because while I love the poem, it is such a depressing poem. I havent lost the relation due to happiness which seems like the most obvious answer but I am not happy. Im not depressed. It saddens me to think of the epheme

the susan sontag essay “Reflections Against Oneself” Reflections on Cioran, is reverberating prolifically. I like it. I like her. I like Ann Carson. I like to talk about these things. To move my vocal chords andd imagine them rubbing against each other, because i’ll know they’re there. I need tangibility, to know that I myself am tangible. and something that can be thrown, held, smoke, eat, sleep, run, crawl. I am easily able to not speak a word out loud for ten hours. But I probably shouldnt. My lyft driver talked to me the whole 15 of what was supposed to be a five minute ride. I could tell he was making wrong turns to run the meter up but that was okay because he was telling me he ws n alcohlolic but was not one anymore. Sure, I guess. “It is hard on your body” I said. He nodded. His neighbor is crazy and seems to think they’re more of friends than they really are. I was bored but tangible which is really all I can be right now. And he is a not-alcoholic which is all he can really be right now. And a lyft driver.

oast,butter and apple tea. the tea was bad. I  want to buy very expensive makeup or a very expensive knife. I wouldnt use either. Read from thr Paris Review last night and didnt do anything for me but provide nice sentiment.  I’ll explore the prose section more but if it doesnt suffice  I’ll  read some more of Susan Sontags  essays which are clincal and  dry but I know I will like or at least that it will provoke me.  

It’s. Guttural the way the tiles eat at me from the ankles up.
And I pool into some uninteresting, gauche thing. I’d like to be comfortable too

how my wrists snap off into ikea dishes filled with lukewarm water and defrosted chicken breasts idling,
as I attempt

To nurture something
But fail ultimately
“You have to flick water on it to make sure it’s hot enough” I mutter despondently

one of my favorite poems of all time: i forgot to put it but I am lying about forgetting.

I feel as if I can thrash around so violently and nothing will happen to me. Spraining, fracturing, breaking, these words confuse me; yet don’t startle me. I don’t know them, just that they can’t happen to me, and they won’t happen to me. This is not a good thing, in fact maybe terrible. It’s like my stomach has never had bread, or my hands have never held a hammer. I just feel completely amorphous. Aside from the burning painful absolutely devastating heat running from the bottom of my back to where my hair hits the back of my neck.

spent the first half of the year completely enamored by Sharon Olds, but this is short of revolutionary. I absolutely adore her and this is enduring. She is pointed, sometimes clinical, which are two of my favorite qualities a writer can have. At my old apartment, I’d lay out on my daybed and read her poetry books with my cat, Jeans. When I’m really depressed I can’t venture with books outside of my taste or preferences. So it makes sense her work was very poignant with me in the spring, it was safe. Nearing summer I found myself receptive to book recommendations which is not something typical for me. I enjoyed Bret Easton Ellis the most, I think I was initially nervous because his work, or I guess the social media presence of it, was shrouded in irony. I like his work. It’s very disaffected and I think it’s paced very well. I even enjoy his podcast now while at work. I then read Tao Lin’s poetry book, You Are a Bit Happier Than me. He is the same as Sharon Olds. I’ll like both of them no matter what state I am in. It’s reliable. But not boring. I went through a big Joan Didion kick again. I really can’t believe she is dead, still. I remember where I was when I found out she died. It’s the kind of moment that breaks air from entering your lungs, not to be hyperbolic. I felt the same way when Michael Jackson died. It’s just weird when important people die, it feels like culturally they go away too. I thought about her a lot the last couple of months because I had been driving up to central California, I’d imagine Maria from Play It as It Lays, Drinking a Coke on the 101. Now I only read academic journals. I am reading two very interesting ones. The Poetics of Anorexia by Lisa Sewell, and Anorexia nervosa and first-person perspective: Altruism, family system and body experience by Caroline Valentiny and Jerome Englebert. As well as switching tabs between multiple academic journals studying food deprivation in animals, the neurobiology of hyperactivity, and how the deprivation promotes production both  biologically and in their ecosystems. The Poetics of Anorexia highlights Louise Glücks poems surrounding her disorder, and their intentional or unintentional use of post structuralist philosophers like Laccans concepts of (or lack of) self. I go back and forth with this. In lacanian terms, which “self” is playing what role in the paradox of the disorder? Is it the conscious or the unconscious? Pre split is that the true “self”? But this quote “[Lacan's] subject is not an entity with an identity, but a being created in the fissure of a radical split ... a self which is only actually and necessarily created within a split-a being that can only conceptualise itself when it is mirrored back to itself from the position of another's desire” leads me to believe it is not. And that an anorexic is not a “self” without the split occurring and highlighting their desires. In terms of identity this is definitely true, with every philosophy I currently resonate with supporting that. Even Sartre’s “essence preceding existence” supports this.  But it’s dismal to think about. That essence is not necessarily good. But I do believe it. I think this disorder is so interesting to read about because the culture's understanding of it is so insipid. When really, it shows women are indicating radical splits (whether consciously or unconsciously) and thus almost living in a new state of conscious (or “self), autonomizing themselves from politics, and almost abstinizing themselves from society in a manner so detached it is increasingly difficult to verbalize. That the only accurate way to verbalize it is to reference post structuralist ideas. The subfertuging anorexics do, consciously or not are one of the rigorous acts of political protests despite even realizing it is protest. The subverting of gender roles, both in the actual loss of body contour, or  “whereby soft, excessive femininity is purged in order to achieve masculine acceptability. In the process, she claims, anorexics cancel out [their own] ‘female presence and power’”, but also this cancels out self. I don’t know maybe I’ll figure it out one day if I read enough
Essence preceding existence
Sartre generally
My 300 dollar jeans
Black drip coffee/Gas station coffee/Mcdonalds coffee
Not undermining Neitzche’s contributions to philosophy
Mornings when it is blue outside
3/4 sleeve shirts
Distressed white leather
The smell of wet concrete
The smell of violet
Cheap shampoo
Hunter Biden reality show (prediction)
Susan Sontag
Ann Carson
Italian Men (but not women)
tight zip up hoodies
Research Journals
Central California (NOT SF)
Driving to places
Madonna Inn
Media literacy
Having “a” jacket
Abercrombie cut offs with the pockets hanging out
Kylie Jenner pregnant (prediction)
Accepting nothing and embracing everything
Floor time
Wrestling with your boyfriend
Las Vegas
Paris Review subscriptions
Dutch angle
Submitting your work
Gelsons/ Bristol farms
Non alcoholic sleep medication syrup
Farmers Market
Waving to babies
Criterion collection
Gus Van Sant
Hennessey and Ingalls
AI photos of niche African cats
French club
The shards by Bret Easton Ellis
Beautiful cookware
pressuring academic institutions to catch up or challenge themselves to contemporary literature or architecture
Downtown Los Angeles
Kissing and leaving a lipstick print
Long sleeve paws
Merit/Byredo lipstick but also never wearing makeup

Paralyzing homosocial relationships
Instagram face
Facial piercings
Cyber sigilism tattoos
Punishing yourself
Rewarding yourself
Random trips to urgent care
Sandy Liang
Do not under any circumstance put cream or milk into a coffee
Basketball shorts
Do not invite me anywhere in which I cannot park my car
Owning more than 4 items of clothing  
Black Friday
Saying no
Over consumption
Worms/snakes/ eels/ etc.
Photo dumps
We need to refine what we consider “subversive” ATP
Weak sense of self
Insecurities as an adult
Natural deodorants
Passive aggressiveness, be angry or don’t be anything

i want for autumn:

-pea coat
-talcum powder
-rice milk soap
-new guillaume dustan book
-a striped sweater
-dutch oven
-chanel lip liner
-chanel cheek baumé
-montana panton wire extended shelf
-a framed photo of my cats
-date milkshake
-birthday dinner at the chateau
-very simple conversations  

bonnie parker white turtle neck, black shorts, beret, blonde wig, 20s makeup, gun
snow white
lydia beetlejuice
margot tenanbaum
marla singer
boo from monsters inc (for work)
betty boop
leon the professjonal ❤️❤️❤️
french maid
mime ❤️❤️❤️ stripe, red choker, beret, suspenders
betty the flinstones
bob dylanhalloween costumes
bonnie parker white turtle neck, black shorts, beret, blonde wig, 20s makeup, gun
snow white
lydia beetlejuice
margot tenanbaum
marla singer
betty boop
leon the professjonal
french maid
mime  stripe, red choker, beret, suspenders
betty the flinstones
bob dylan        

it’s rosh Hashanah tomorrow

I tried to make my room look as much like a hospital as possible. I went to the home depot at my local outdoor mall when they opened at 5am and put this pail of behr primer on the counter and a white trash meth tweaker rang me up. It ws really no big deal he had to be up for work this early; he never went to bed. He asked me if I had a boyfriend and I showed something. I lifted up my nightgown and showed him my underwear Ive had since 6th grade. They were from old navy and they had the word “tuesday” right over my vagina. He saw my upper thighs, how they were straight down instead of curved out. He saw my ilium, ischium, and pubis sticking out, inching the home depot lettering that said “ 60% off of gardening materials NOW TILL DECEMBER”.  He started to drool. I was pretty fat compared to his girlfriend who was on meth and sometimes caffine pills when things dried up.    

dinner and a show I Had seen Claire gnaw on monobloc polypropylene chairs like they were bones filled with marrow ready to be sucked.  I had seen her suck on the polymer, the heat from her cheeks making the thermoplastic melting into a viscous liquid. She opened her mouth (a wooden stick holding her tongue down) to show the liquid making lace of saliva and polymer. The lace had no pattern as she didn’t care to think of one. She played with the polymer film and moved her tongue around as if to say “Look at how bad i am being” It was thawing on her filiform mixed with silt from cereal crop; millet. She ate millet four days ago, she spilt much of it onto her hoodie from the GAP. (CHILDREN SECTION, SIZE MEDIUM, ALTERED AT THE WRISTS WITH A SMALL BRAIDED ELASTIC TO FIT HER LENGTH)  Claire’s stomach acid ranked at a level thirteen which meant she was more clever than the methyl grouping in the monobloc chair’s arm so she could melt it and feel it warm against her buccal mucosa. As she became more desolate in the south, She broke it off, she chewed, only stopping to spit out the unmeltable parts. Her eyes widened, like a dog who learned how to open the fridge.  Once she had tasted enough to hit paint and decipher the polymers MFI (melt flow index)  she spit the entirety out. She spit it out onto my mothers kitchen tile, a pool flooded with ethylene and saliva bubbles that made popping noises like rice krispies with two percent milk. She hunched as if to level with the new toy,and gently slid an ice tray over it. The popping noise ceased, and I heard gushing between her lithe fingers. It hardened against her, a sensation she had known once which resulted in a child with a full head of black hair, as if she had given her own hair off her head to the child. The child grew. She fed him in a teflon high chair, she fed him sour ropes, taffy, large glasses of milk and millet which he spit up from time to time. She enjoyed the child’s face as he opened toys from fast food places, she felt tethered to him from the rear view mirror as she saw him chew lick and suck on the cut rate army men toy made of Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene. Her pool had become moldable and with shaky hands she moved as if throwing clay. She molded it into the shape of a small pastry, a german or french one was not as clear, only that she had a base of a carb , a blanket of some sort of frosting dotted with what seemed to be raspberries but this was hard to tell because everything was white. Dollops of her saliva fell onto the berries, creating a sheen. Claire put it into the freezer. Claire salivated for days, and started to smell strange. Her skin turned yellow and her heart beated to the tempo of Superstar by the Carpenters. She fell asleep next to me on her extra monobloc chair in front of the tv. I sat in a throne, a rocking chair. I asked her if it hurt, her spine against the polymer and all she said was that her millet was done. The pastry stayed in the icebox, Id drag a step stool made of wood accented with  Polytetrafluoroethylenebearings and i’d look at it from time to time, it had small bites taken out of it. One corner looked as if it was cut with a fork and knife.

Claire’s coffin was made by a distributor in Shenzhen, Item # FU91693, it was collapsible 5ft long when assembled and made of fabric and held together by wire framing. The man who hardened against claire and gave her one child did not have money for a real coffin, so opted to order a coffin used for front lawn halloween decorations. Initially he searched for a toy coffin made of polypropylene but the price of Item # FU91693 was more attractive. Everyone also figured because she weighed so little the fabric would not rip, only sag. Which was right. Her child with its  black full head of hair sat on his fathers lap, my mother, brother, grandfather and i sat in the third row. My grandfather watched his sister sag near the grass, and even through the fabric you could see Claire's sacrum bones taunting crustacean bugs who were looking for something to nestle on or under. The fabric was slightly sheer and you could tell what Claire was wearing.  A pinafore dress(THE CHILDRENS GAP, SIZE LARGE, ADJUSTABLE STRAPS WITH POLYEPOXIDE BUTTONS AND A COIL NYLON ZIPPER) no one acknowledged this. I believed for a second that I could see her left ring finer, but it was just a taraxcum flower that grew to be plump and yellow, it was not her yellow hand that threw the polymer delicacies. They buried her, the boys who dropped out of the high school nearby and needed quick money. They did not struggle to hoist her down. For a second, I believe she may have unzipped #  FU91693 and spit out more polymer or thrown up bile or asked for a real hamburger, a real one. But she did not. They threw dirt over her face, I imagined her opening her mouth to catch the soil, finally eating, digesting, pleading, reckoning, replevying. My grandfather gritted his teeth as one of the boys burrying his sister hit her foot with a ULINE shovel which had a 14x17” blade. We all shifted towards the front of our seats when we heard the  ULINE shovel which had a 14x17” blade hit her tendon which had metallised. Sifting through heavy breaths and guilt we made our way to the reception room at the church. I looked at the ceiling and thought if I looked hard enough my eyes could break the ceiling and see her in heaven at a Mcdonald's, one which had a polyvinyl chloride jungle gym i could feel my bare feet suction on and off of . Asbestos ceiled church tops did not reveal this to me, but instead snowed slightly landing on my hair, and I ate it. It melted onto my tongue like LSD or a listerine strip with microcrystalline cellulose and maltodextrin making a film of satisfaction on the apex of my tongue for being like Claire and eating but not really. I was young, they showed a photo of her at the front of the church recreation room meant for baptism or first communion parties. I ate salty tears and more of the gifted toiled chains of agnesium, iron, calcium, aluminum, and sodium that the generous popcorn ceiling offered me to  not think about her sagging body. I chewed on a Polyethylene terephthalate cup filled with grape juice. When this did not satisfy me i ran a S-7305 5 ¾” uline spoon
against my baby teeth hearing as it ricocheted against my lateral incisors. I stomped my feet against the olefin carpeted floor, and my 196983114503 093-01-9923Polyurethane 84% Recycled PET (Polyethylene
Terephthalate) and 16% Polyester , 57% Polyester and 43% TPR (Thermoplastic Rubber) , Imported ballet flats with low-resilience polyurethane foam memory foam insoles made noises to alert my mother I was of ill nature. I rubbed my lipids, proteins, electrolytes, enzymes and metabolites on her #518080
GAP Polyester 63%, Rayon 33%, Spandex 4%Machine washed, Imported,
24 ¾, 31 ¼, 30 ¾, shift silhouetteSoft woven mini dress, Crewneck, .Sleeveless dress with a pocket at the hips. She hands me a Petrochemical, Isopropyl palmitate, Dimethicone, Tocopheryl Acetate, Cocoa Nucifera Oil, and Aloe Vera Extract. tissue  and I release my colloids of inorganic salts,lysozymes, immunoglobins, glycoproteins, and lactoferrins.She raises me to her lap, we are close to each others face, i can smell monoterpenoid organic compounds  with  chemical formula C10H20O which Geranyl diphosphate synthase (GPPS) first catalyzes the reaction of IPP and DMAPP into geranyl diphosphate (−)-limonene synthase (LS) catalyzes the cyclization of geranyl diphosphate to (−)-limonene (−)-Limonene-3-hydroxylase (L3OH), using O2and then nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) catalyzes the allylic hydroxylation of (−)-limonene at the 3 position to (−)-trans-isopiperitenol.(−)-trans-Isopiperitenol dehydrogenase (iPD) further oxidizes the hydroxyl group on the 3 position using NAD+ tomake(−)-isopiperitenone.(−)-Isopiperitenone reductase (iPR) then reduces the double bond between carbons 1 and 2 using NADPH to form (+)-cis-isopulegone(+)-cis-Isopulegone isomerase (iPI) then isomerizes the remaining double bond to form (+)-pulegone.(+)-Pulegone reductase (PR) reduces this double bond using NADPH to form (−)-menthone.(−)-Menthone reductase (MR) then reduces the carbonyl group using NADPH to form (−)-menthol.[13] which makes her breath smell good but not real. We rock back and forth and back and forth on the
31.75'' H X 21'' W X 22.5'' D 17'' H 25'' H 6.9 lb.

PolypropylenePolipropene 25 [USAN]; Propene polymers;Poly(1-methylethylene) of PP is between 0.895 and 0.93 g/cm3. ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylenewith prime synthetic resin with ultra-violet inhibitors Impervious to salt air and most common stains.which is Fade Resistant; Rust Resistant; UV Resistant; Weather Resistant; Stain Resistant,

and can hold up to 300 pounds and rock back and fourth and back and forth and back and forth my mom whispers things to me but i can smell the monoterpenoid organic compounds  with  chemical formula C10H20O which Geranyl diphosphate synthase (GPPS) first catalyzes the reaction of IPP and DMAPP into geranyl diphosphate (−)-limonene synthase (LS) catalyzes the cyclization of geranyl diphosphate to (−)-limonene (−)-Limonene-3-hydroxylase (L3OH), using O2and then nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) catalyzes the allylic hydroxylation of (−)-limonene at the 3 position to (−)-trans-isopiperitenol.(−)-trans-Isopiperitenol dehydrogenase (iPD) further oxidizes the hydroxyl group on the 3 position using NAD+ tomake(−)-isopiperitenone.(−)-Isopiperitenone reductase (iPR) then reduces the double bond between carbons 1 and 2 using NADPH to form (+)-cis-isopulegone(+)-cis-Isopulegone isomerase (iPI) then isomerizes the remaining double bond to form (+)-pulegone.(+)-Pulegone reductase (PR) reduces this double bond using NADPH to form (−)-menthone.(−)-Menthone reductase (MR) then reduces the carbonyl group using NADPH to form (−)-menthol.[ on her breath which makes her feel austere and not of a
of  place i once inhabited. I jerk my neck over and begin to chew on the 31.75'' H X 21'' W X 22.5'' D 17'' H 25'' H 6.9 lb.

PolypropylenePolipropene 25 [USAN]; Propene polymers;Poly(1-methylethylene) of PP is between 0.895 and 0.93 g/cm3. ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylenewith prime synthetic resin with ultra-violet inhibitors Impervious to salt air and most common stains.which is Fade Resistant; Rust Resistant; UV Resistant; Weather Resistant; Stain Resistant,

it tastes good so i continued to chew on the 31.75'' H X 21'' W X 22.5'' D 17'' H 25'' H 6.9 lb.

PolypropylenePolipropene 25 [USAN]; Propene polymers;Poly(1-methylethylene) of PP is between 0.895 and 0.93 g/cm3. ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylenewith prime synthetic resin with ultra-violet inhibitors Impervious to salt air and most common stains.which is Fade Resistant; Rust Resistant; UV Resistant; Weather Resistant; Stain Resistant,

which felt good so i ate more of the 31.75'' H X 21'' W X 22.5'' D 17'' H 25'' H 6.9 lb.

PolypropylenePolipropene 25 [USAN]; Propene polymers;Poly(1-methylethylene) of PP is between 0.895 and 0.93 g/cm3. ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylenewith prime synthetic resin with ultra-violet inhibitors Impervious to salt air and most common stains.which is Fade Resistant; Rust Resistant; UV Resistant; Weather Resistant; Stain Resistant,

and washed it down with Water, C10-12 alcohol ethoxylates, sodium secondary C13-18 alkyl sulfonate, fragrance, citric acid, colorant, xanthan gum and preservative
31.75'' H X 21'' W X 22.5'' D 17'' H 25'' H 6.9 lb.

PolypropylenePolipropene 25 [USAN]; Propene polymers;Poly(1-methylethylene) of PP is between 0.895 and 0.93 g/cm3. ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylenewith prime synthetic resin with ultra-violet inhibitors Impervious to salt air and most common stains.which is Fade Resistant; Rust Resistant; UV Resistant; Weather Resistant; Stain Resistant,

Water, C10-12 alcohol ethoxylates, sodium secondary C13-18 alkyl sulfonate, fragrance, citric acid, colorant, xanthan gum and preservative
31.75'' H X 21'' W X 22.5'' D 17'' H 25'' H 6.9 lb.

PolypropylenePolipropene 25 [USAN]; Propene polymers;Poly(1-methylethylene) of PP is between 0.895 and 0.93 g/cm3. ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylenewith prime synthetic resin with ultra-violet inhibitors Impervious to salt air and most common stains.which is Fade Resistant; Rust Resistant; UV Resistant; Weather Resistant; Stain Resistant,




I have no interest in my personal life. Or the people in it. Or the people that have been. Or the vegetables I have cut. Or the words that I have read.  Any extension of myself  or by proxy is completely gluttonous.  And therefore must be erradicated. Self (at all and at any)>gluttony>die a bad person or unremarkable one who cared about benign, trivial shit. That being said here is my ins and outs list for Autmn 2024 according to what I like or dislike/ think is cool/ think is lame:
IN:-chanel lip/ cheek baume in shade camelia
-matching shades of lipstick with your friends
-wearing all black (this is perenial)
-tumblr (a bit stupid given i have this blog)
-capers on everything
-kissing in elevators
-knee high socks with midi skirts
-eco brutualism
-xiu xiu, depeche mode, new order, gesaffelstein, in utero, slint,  teen suicide,  blonde redhead, carissas wierd,  the crying nudes, la timpa, john glacier, daniel johnston, polly jean harvey,  death cab for cutie,  the durutti column, arthur russell, eels, brian jonestown massacre,  if i were a carpenter, babyfather, red house painters, rainer maria, sprain, lou reed, the VU
-making it onto
-being really drunk at a party and going to the bathroom to fix your lipstick and just looking at your face with niether a positive or negative affect to be noted
-i would like to have a reason to go to New York
-pleated attire
-simmer pots while baking
-french press black coffee
-angels dream tea
-clear umbrellas
-smoking cigarettes after the gym
-plain jewelry
-cold things against your skin
-animalique by byredo
-cotton underwear or silk underwear
-underwear that says the days of the week
-asceticism by day hedonism by night
-dolphin shorts, any sort of small short
-russian food
-having an avoidant personality
-being vague
-being disaffected
-fighting with trained medical professionals
-the fall is for going  to parties and wondering how you made it to work the next  day
-house shows/house parties
-kissing at house parties
-stealing from rich people who throw house parties
-panton wire boxes
-la pergoletta
-crashing out
-my boyfriend telling people to shut the fuck up
-the car crash collective girls
-my anti aircraft air friend album and tour (
-not having anything to say
-la timpa
-passport paperwork
-passport photo sexiness
-white girl wednesday
-lipstick stain on cigarettes
-my maintence man telling me I am Marilyn Monroe. You’re right.
-french class at a community college
-smoking instead of eating
-zoe walking to my house and I make her dinner
-dillon basically being a frat boy now
-shopping with catherine
- playing makeup and dress up with cattherine
-jean paul sartre
-wearing a bra

-texting back
-burner account centric schizophrenia
-explicitly long paragraphs that get sent to me on my phone
-therapy speak, hey you are not speaking english or any contemporary language
-being agreeable
-betting on horses
-getting groped at hellp dj sets by like 19 year old boys who are basically gay
-shoegaze im really tired
-sandy liang
-my twenty fourth birthday
-everyone always leaving to go on tour
-garish clothing
-garish language
-i need to sswear less
-going to your hometown
-blonde people (why would you ever want to be blonde its like the least chic thing ever)
-safari on iphone or mac
-my milk ridden laptop
-being nice whenI really dont have to be
-shots at the doctor
-the doctor
-my problems
-silverlake flea
-thai angel,rest in peace
-not listening
-crop tops
-insanely baggy jeans
-road rage
-auto fiction
-reading just to read
-talking just to talk
-cooking just to eat
-women talking like  schizophrenics on tiktok
-vegan meat substitutes
-alimentto in silverlake, rest in peace
-red wine
-you look like  something from a pintrest board in  a bad way
-people asking me questions